In 2014, the Indonesian Parliament passed Halal Product Assurance Law. When oppositions were raised, Muslims have tried to defend the bill. Under the circumstances where Muslims as the majority coexist with religious minorities, they justify the bill by resorting to such non-religious rationales as quality improvement, consumer rights, global competitiveness, and health. An investigation is made on the process of public hearing on the bill conducted by the Indonesian Constitutional Court in 2017. It is explored how the critical views of the bill were raised and how Muslims defended it against them. By examining the religious and non-religious discourse surrounding the bill, it is expected that multidimensional meanings Indonesian Muslims attach to Islamic consumption, and characteristics of Islamic modernity can be grasped.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 할랄제품보장법의 주요 내용
III. 할랄제품보장법에 대한 반대 논리
IV. 할랄제품보장법에 대한 무슬림의 시각
1. 종교적 논거
2. 종교외적 논거
Ⅶ. 나가는 말