최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

경기지역 적응 고품질 내도복성 벼 『맛드림』

A Medium-Maturing, Lodging Tolerant, and Good Eating-Quality Rice Variety ‘Matdream’

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‘Matdream’ was derived from a cross between ‘Yeongdeok34(Pungmi)’ and ‘Ilpumbyeo’ in 2001. This variety had a heading date of August 8 in Gyeonggido. It had a semi-elect plant type and resistance to lodging with strong culm. Its culm length was 78 cm. This variety had 12 tillers per hill and 122 spikelets per panicle. It was a medium grain variety, and the 1,000 grain weight of brown rice was 22.2 g. Its cold tolerance was stronger than that of ‘Hwaseongbyeo’. This variety had wind tolerance. It was moderately resistant to rice blast diseases and had stripe virus resistance, but was susceptible to bacterial leaf blight, other virus diseases, and insect pests. Its appearance of milled rice was clear and its milled rice had lower amylose and protein contents than that of ‘Hwaseongbyeo’. Its palatability of cooked rice was better than that of ‘Chucheongbyeo’, which was harvested in Suwon. Its head-rice percentage after milling was 74.4%, which was higher than that of ‘Hwaseongbyeo’. The yield of milled rice was 5.17 MT/ha under the ordinary culture of the local adaptability test in four areas of Gyeonggido for three years. Under early transplanting cultivation, its yield of milled rice in 2011 was 5.69 MT/ha in the central plain area, Suwon. ‘Matdream’ was highly adaptable to the Gyeonggido area, especially to the northern region of Han River (품종보호번호: 제5087호).



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