최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

국제환경법, 법 원칙, 국가책임, 기후변화협약, 연성법

The Review of Articles from Korea International Law Review (Vol. 1-49): International Human Rights Law

  • 572

This paper reviews papers from the Korea International Law Review (KILR) since 1993, especially on international human rights law. So far, thirteen academic papers, summaries of nine dissertations, and two recent developments in international human rights law have published by KILR. In section 2, what have been discussed and maintained by authors of all thirteen academic papers are examined in chronological order. In section 3, under the three major themes: 1) international human rights mechanisms, 2) implementation of international human rights law and 3) crystallization of individual rights in international law, this paper tries to capture the idea that commonly shared by these academic papers in the development of international human rights law. In addition, summaries of six doctoral dissertations (and three master s thesis) are briefly introduced to hint at the trend of scholarship in recent years on international human rights law. Lastly, in section 4, this paper analyzes the academic discourse by KILR related to the development of international human rights law.

Ⅰ. 서

Ⅱ. 󰡔국제법평론󰡕 다시 읽기:

연도별 검토를 중심으로

1. 1990년대

2. 2000년대

3. 2010년대

Ⅲ. 󰡔국제법평론󰡕 다시 읽기:

주제별 분석을 중심으로

1. 국제인권메커니즘

2. 국제인권법의 국내 이행

3. 국제인권법상 개별 권리의 구체화

IV. 결
