To propose the design technique and the execution manual of the LWFS(Lightweight Foamed Soil) method using dredged soil, the operation system for the test-bed integrated management, and to establish an amendment for the domestic quantity per unit and specifications, and a strategy for its internationalization. In order to utilize the dredged soil from the coastal area as a construction material, we constructed the embankment with LWFS on soft ground and monitored its behavior. As a result, it can be expected that the use of LWFS as an embankment material on the soft ground can improve the economic efficiency by reducing the depth and period of soil improvement as well as the uses of nearby dredged soil. To verify the utilization of the dredged soil as a material for light-weighted roadbed, soft ground and foundation ground, and surface processing, perform an experimental construction for practical structures and analyze the behavior. It is expected to be able to improve the soft ground with dredged soil and develop technique codes and manuals of the dredged soil reclamation by constructing a test-bed in the same size of the fields, and establish the criteria and manual of effective dredged soil reclamation for practical use. The application technology of the dredged soil reclamation during harbor constructions and dredged soil reclamation constructions can be reflected during the working design stage. By using the materials immediately that occur from the reclamation during harbor and background land developments, the development time will decrease and an increase of economic feasibility will happen. It is expected to be able to apply the improved soil at dredged soil reclamation, harbor and shore protection construction, dredged soil purification projects etc. Future-work for develop the design criteria and guideline for the technology of field application of dredged soil reclamation is that review the proposed test-bed sites, consult with the institutions relevant with the test-bed, establish the space planning of the test-bed, licensing from the institutions relevant with the test-bed, select a test-bed for the dredged soil disposal area.
1. 서 론
2. 준설토 활용 경량기포 혼합토 공법
3. 준설토 활용 경량혼합토 공법 실증 시공
4. 준설토 활용 경량혼합토 공법 실증 모니터링 및 계측 결과
5. 준설토 활용 경량혼합토 공법의 현장 실증 및 적용성 분석
6. 결론