The recent increase in size and speed of ships resulted in the existing maritime routes becoming narrow relative to the size of new ships. At the same time, as the improvement and optimization in marine transportation take place and the construction of structures in seas and harbor improvements pick up speed, there is an increasing probability of marine accidents. Due to these environmental changes, the need to professionally analyze the effect of marine structures on navigation arose to ensure safety of ships and a law was enacted and introduced for the Maritime Traffic Safety Audit (MTSA). In this study, a Qualitative assessment for verifying the effectiveness of MTSA was carried out with case analysis and analysis model in other similar audit scheme. It is expected that an analyzed result for effectiveness of MTSA will be a steppingstone for enhancing the MTSA and keeping maritime traffic safety as its own purpose.
1. 서 론
2. 해상교통안전진단제도 현황
3. 해상교통안전진단제도의 효과분석 및 검증 방법
4. 해상교통안전진단의 효과분석 결과
5. 결론 및 향후과제