The clear standards, procedures and operational frameworks of governance system should be established in order to be established and functioning properly in the governments. For this purpose, a survey on the ordinance of the local governments is conducted according to the 7 critical dimensions of Secco et. al(2011) in order to measure the level of the governance system of the local government objectively. The results of the analysis reveal that the ordinance of Jeannam Province in the sector of Economy & Trade and the sector of Culture & Tourism has a relatively good governance system compared to the Ordinance of Gyeongbuk Province. When we analyze the actual contents of the Ordinance of Gyeongbuk & Jeonam Province, we can find that the governance system is poorly constructed. As public servants of local governments are carrying out their duties based on ordinances, the governance approach of the Ordinance has urgently been required to revise in order to build the cooperative system of citizens and private sector participation.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 거버넌스 시스템의 측정에 대한 이론적 검토
Ⅲ. 거버넌스 시스템의 측정 모형구축
Ⅳ. 거버넌스 시스템의 측정 결과의 함의
Ⅴ. 결론