최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

정상 면역 기능을 가진 환자에서 성대에 국한되어 발생한 후두 칸디다증 1예

A case of laryngeal candidiasis confined to vocal cord in an immunocompetent patient

DOI : 10.21593/kjhno/2018.34.2.39
  • 67

Primary laryngeal candidiasis is rare in immunocompetent patients and is prone to confusion with early glottic carcinoma or leukemia. We experienced a case of 74-year-old man who has 3- month history of hoarseness. The pathologic diagnosis was laryngeal candidiasis. He was treated with antifungal agents for 4 weeks after vocal cord stripping under general anesthesia. After treatment, the patient had no candidiasis or discomfort with his voice. We report this case with a review of literature.

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