최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

古代日本의 加耶觀의 형성과 변용

The Formation and Transformation of Ancient Japan s View of Kaya

  • 82

Ancient Japan s interest in the iron material produced in Kaya played a key role in the formation of its view of Kaya. As another names for Kumkwanguk such as dadara or sunara meant iron, Kaya as a major provider of iron emerged as the center of international trade. Since Ancient Japan depended heavily on Kaya s iron the Silla s conquest of Kaya and the resulting loss of its access to Kaya iron dealt a heavy blow to Japan. The theory that Japan had ruled Kaya came from its high evaluation of iron. When Japan lost its precious source of iron with the conquest of Kaya by Silla, it began to develop a idea that Kaya had been ruled by the Japanese emperor. And this view of Kaya was strengthened by Japan s enmity toward Silla. Ancient Japan s view of Kaya was also influenced by historical material introduced from Paekche. After the fall of Paekche emigre groups from Paekche changed the contents of the historical material brought from Paekche to please the Japanese. This effort was designed to strengthen their position in Japanese society. The descendents of Paekche royal families were granted the name of Paekche king tried to satisfy Japanese emperor s pursuit of China-centered world view by creating a historical view of Kaya as a country under Japanese rule. Though Kaya disappeared with its conquest by Silla han(韓) was read as kara which meant Ancient Korea. Kaya was coined a name of a particular area, but it began to be applied to the Korean peninsular or the foreign countires in general. The strong cultural shock it received from Kaya was handed down to later generations and remained strong in the minds of many Japanese people.

Ⅰ. 서 언

Ⅱ. 內官家 사상의 형성과 배경

Ⅲ. 백제계 사료에서 굴절된 加耶觀

Ⅳ. 가야멸망 후의 加耶觀

Ⅴ. 加耶認識의 변용 -이름만 남은 가라(韓)-

Ⅵ. 결 어
