최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

농촌진흥운동과 조선총독부의 오락 장려책

A Study on the interrelationship between the rural development campaign and the encouragement of entertainment of Chosun Colonized

  • 55

The purpose of this study was to examine the interrelationship between the rural development campaign and the encouragement of entertainment, which were both initiated in the early 1930s. The necessity of entertainment was mentioned in this period as a way to revitalize contemporary rural communities to ensure the success of the rural development campaign. The Japanese Government-General of Korea defined the lack of entertainment as the problem with the Joseon era in terms of amusement, and planned to step up the spread of entertainment among the public. Namely, the matter of entertainment that had been disregarded in daily life started to be discussed as one of political issues, and the rural development campaign could be said to provide an opportunity for the Japanese Government-General of Korea to formulate a policy about amusement in the territory of Joseon. The contemporary government tried to encourage entertainment in two different directions: the revival and creation of popular entertainment. As for the revival of popular entertainment, the traditional amusement of the Joseon Dynasty was positively regarded as the kind of entertainment that suited that country, which was the main characteristic of the entertainment- boosting policy. Afterwards, the idea of the Japanese Government-General of Korea was reflected in its entertainment-related policies during the entire period of its occupation. Accordingly, the entertainment-boosting policy that was conceived during the rural development campaign was of significance in that it laid the foundation for amusement-related policies during the whole period of the Japanese occupation.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 농촌진흥운동과 오락문제

Ⅲ. 오락문제에 대한 지역의 대책

Ⅳ. 농촌오락으로서 가미시바이의 부상

Ⅴ. 맺음말
