최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

『續日本紀』 편찬의 제문제

General issues in compilation of “Shoku-Nihonki”

  • 49

This paper examined the issues of <when the official decision was made for Shoku-Nihonki as the book title>, <when Kanmu-Tenno, who was a compiler of Shoku-Nihonki, decided to put the own governance record in Shoku-Nihonki>, <what kind of meaning the 10th year of Enryaku (791), which was also a lower limit for the article of Kanmu-Tenno, had to Kanmu-Tenno>, and <how to view the compilation work of history books by Junnin-Tenno and Konin-Tenno>, in the compilation process of “Shoku-Nihonki”. Firstly, as for the time that the title “Shoku-Nihonki” was decided officially as a subsequent history book of Nihonshoki, the author pointed out that the book title was already decided at least by the 1tth year of Enryaku (796), rather than the 16th year of Enryaku (797), which was the final completion-compilation period as the common belief of the current Japanese academia. For the period that Kanmu-Tenno decided to include the records of own time in the Shoku-Nihonki , the author concluded that it is fine to see it as around the 10th year of Enryaku. And for the background that Enryaku 10th has been emphasized, the author focused on the possibility of the consciousness for Opening of a new dynasty that Kanmu-Tenno had at that time, along with the consciousness for the achievements at 10th year that had been achieved by Tenmu-Tenno as starting point of Tenmu-Tenno royal lineage. On the other hand, for the assessment issue on the history book publishing projects of work of Junnin-Tenno and Konin-Tenno, firstly, it is proper to see that the summarizing 30 volumes of Zoan in Junnin government was done in preparation efforts for following official history book of Nihonshoki as the existing opinion. And the publishing of official history, in a strict meaning, done at the time Konin-Tenno s own time was just an organizing work for 30 volumes of Zoan, and not reasonable to see it as an effort to include the history of Konin-Tenno s own time into official history.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. &#61440;續日本紀&#61440;의 편찬과 書名

Ⅲ. 桓武紀의 제문제

Ⅳ. 淳仁ㆍ光仁朝 修史의 평가

Ⅴ. 맺음말
