최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


History and the present of the study on the transitional period from the middle ages to early modern times of Japan

  • 9

In Japanese history, 16-17th century was located as the transitional period from the middle ages to the early modern times. Then, what kind of transition was it? Postwar history,based on the investigation of the land system, located it as the establishment or reorganization offeudalism. Particularly ArakiMoriaki’s theory of Taiko kenchi=feudal revolution”太閤検地封建革命説”, whichemphasize the role of the land surveycarried out by Toyotomi Hideyoshi toestablish feudal system, waswidelysupported. But afterward the epoch-makingnature of Taiko kenchi was denied, and the role of land survey has beenconsidered not so decisive. Instead, wider changeof regional society hasbeen considered serious. Especially the establishmentof public order by feudal landlords was important, and the nationwideintegration of those public orders was the establishment of Toyotomigovernment and Bakuhansei state. On the other side, about the state itself,the role of the emperor in the rule of the warrior government is one of the biggest points at issue. Though a lot of historians have emphasized the political role of the emperor based on his traditional authority since ancient times, their opinions are not based on the historical fact. At that time, emperor lost the real political power at all, and depended upon the warrior government by carrying out his formal function. Recently, from the viewpoint of Japanese history in East Asia, invasion to the Korean Peninsula by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and the national seclusion policy by Tokugawa shogunate have been located in the fluctuation of international relations in East Asia. We need comprehensively reexamine the transition from the middle ages to early modern times of Japan from this point of view too.

Ⅰ. はじめに

Ⅱ. 検地・土地制度論

Ⅲ. 地域社会論的視角への移行

Ⅳ. 幕藩制国家論と公武関係論

Ⅴ. 東アジア史の中での中近世移行

Ⅵ. おわりに
