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KCI등재 학술저널

근세 막번체제 속의 쓰시마번

Pre-modern Bakuhan System and the Choice of Tsushima-han

  • 36

Tsushima-han was the only han (藩) who was allowed to officially deal with international trade during the Edo (江戶) Period. Edo-Bakuhu granted Tsushima-han exclusive rights to trade with Joseon, the only country Edo had diplomatic relationship at that time, instead of appointing it as a diplomatic intermediary. To maintain the exclusive status, Tsushima-han went to as far as to adapt the credentials. Later, Tsushima-han made a request to send designated monks from ITeian(以酊菴) to Edo-Bakuhu to review and audit the documents sent/received between Joseon and Edo. It deems to be a means that Tsushima-han took to address Bakuhu s distrust against Tsushima. Among Rojus of Edo-Bakuhu, some were in charge of Joseon-related matters, and Tsushima-han reported such matters through Edo-estate. When there was any issue or problem, Tsushima asked the relevant Roju and handled it in accordance with the Roju s instructions. In case the Roju s seat was vacant, Edo-karo and Rusui of Tsushima-han made a request to the Bakuhu to fill the seat. The Edo-estate of Tsushima-han immediately responded to Rojus when they made a request or inquiry. However, the results were not always reported to the relevant Rojus. In fact, for matters that may put Tsushima-han in a difficult position, it asked an interview with the retainer of the Joseon-related Roju, and provided every detail to protect its own interest. Just like other hans under the Bakuhan System, Tsushima-han was not under unilateral control of Shogun, but not completely independent either. As it served as the sole intermediary for diplomatic and trade matters with Joseon, Tsushima-han had to choose to show its absolute respect for Shogun s command in its official stance so that it can maintain its privilege. However, its own interest was always at the top priority.

I. 머리말

II. 임란 이후 藩政 확립기 쓰시마번의 선택

III. 쓰시마번 에도 번저의 조선관련 업무담당 로주(老中) 선정 요청

IV. 에도막부의 조선관련 요구와 질의에 대한 쓰시마번 에도 번저의 대응

V. 맺음말
