최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

松浦氏의 성립과 松浦 一族化의 시대적 배경

The Formation of all Matsuura s Family and relative and it s Background

  • 53

This thesis is about formation of the Matsuuratou(松浦黨) from Kamakura(鎌倉) to Nambokuchõ period(南北朝內亂期) in Japan. And Busi of Matsuura s family, who had controled land, was a main member of the family and relative. The final objective of Matsuuratou was to consolidate local power and to unify it’s members. In order to study the structure of local power and movement of Busi, it is necessary to understand the Matsuuratou. Based on those points, the Matsuuratou during the Kamakura period represented the most important characteristics of the he family and relative. Since the late period of Heian(平安), there was Matsuuratou in the area of Matsuura-gun(松浦郡) Hizennokuni(肥前國). The Matsuuratou was bult based on family connection(blood)(緣). From the Kamakura period, Matsuuratou had began to adimit it’s members outside of it’s own family. In particular, the Busi from all Matsuura s family and relatives fought bravely to secure the military loyalty and landownership with each other The energetic activity of the Busi leaded to the disunion of the family within all Matsuura s family and relatives. In the family, the split caused among brothers and among fathers and suns, and had to fight in the opposite side. Then, the consciousness of all one s family and relatives begun to be collapsed. In other words, the disunion of all Matsuura s family and relatives owed to the demand of the powerful group and the voluntary choice of the Busi.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 松浦 一族의 성립과 諸氏의 대립

Ⅲ. 松浦 一族化의 지향과 그 목적

Ⅳ. 맺음말
