최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

7세기 왜국의 대외 위기감과 출병의 논리

The feelings of crisis of the Japanese Wa(倭) from abroad and its logic of dispatch of forces in the 7th century

  • 170

With the unification of China by Su dynasty in the late 6th century the tension of East World Order was escalated, in which the Wa(倭) schould be also deeply related. This study examines the state of tension, the coming of danger and its settlement process. Firstly, with the appearance of a chinese unified monarchy in the reign of Suiko Tenno(推古天皇) in the beginning of 7th century the antagonism between two political lines in the Yamato Court, pro-Baekjeists and pro-Silla-Tangists, had begun. Secondly, in the reign of Zyomei Tenno(舒明天皇) a conflict between the diplomatic lines was in hiding. The power-holder Soga Uji(蘇我氏), pro-Baekjeist, could control the pro-Silla-Tangist. The Tang Dynasty dispatched Ko Pyoin(高表仁) to Wa and appeased it, but Soga Uji rejected a solidarity with Silla and Tang. Thirdly, Taika Kaisin(大化改新), which usurped the place of Soga Uji by a coup, developed the pro-Silly-Tang policy. But soon later a political conflict between it and Nakaooe Miko(中大兄皇子), later Tenchi Tenno(天智天皇), was caused. Nakaooe Miko could succeed in isolating Kotoku Tenno(孝德天皇) and seizing the power, and his foreign policy also turned to pro-Baekjeist. Fourthly, the Silla-Tang allied Armies conquested Baekje dynasty. Saimei Tenno and Tenchi Tenno dispatched their Army in order to assist the Baekje restoration movement. But their Army was defeated in the battle of Baeckchon River(Hakusukie) and the Wa was seized with the unprecedented terror because of aggression of Silla-Tang. Fifthly, Tenmu Tenno(天武天皇), who came into power by a coup, made an effort to solve the diplomatic crisis. He formed a friendly relationship only with Silla, but did not with Tang. But after Silla defeated Tang in 676, he began to prepare to defence Silla, and took militarily measure against the rainy day.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 推古朝 대외 노선의 분열

Ⅲ. 舒明-孝德朝 대외관계의 浮沈 1) 舒明朝 對唐 관계의 악화 2) ‘乙巳의 變’과 대외노선의 浮沈

Ⅳ. 齊明․天智朝의 백제 구원의 논리

Ⅴ. 天武朝의 대외관계와 戰後 수습

Ⅵ. 맺음말
