최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

『日本後紀』의 찬수와 太上天皇(嵯峨)紀

The compiling of Nihongoki and the record of Daijo Tenno (Saga)

  • 28

“Nihongoki” was initiated by Emperor Saga in 10th year of Konin (819), and finished in December, 7th year (840) of Jowa. In this paper, the study was focused mainly on the role of Emperor Saga who first started the work of amending history in the compiling process of ‘Nihongoki’, and the intention of the amending history and further its influence. Firstly, this study proved that Emperor Saga tried to include not only the records of his father Emperor Kanmu and Emperor Heizei whose times of reign had already been confirmed, but also the part of his reign into the official history by imitating the case of Emperor Kanmu. Secondly, as a reason why Emperor Saga was interested in the record of his reign, the aspect of his awareness on the father, Emperor Kanmu and the influence of “Kusuko Incident” which occurred in the year after his enthronement were assumed. For the former, for example, the ordering of amending history itself in the 10th year of Konin shows his awareness on the compiling order of Shokunihonki by Emperor Kanmu in the 10th year of Enryaku. And relating to the latter matter that symbolizing the discordant relationship with the elder brother, Emperor Heisei, Emperor Saga pointed out the rudeness and disobedience of his elder brother against the father, Emperor Kanmu, in efforts to emphasize his legitimacy in the official history. Thirdly, the reigning era of Emperor Saga in “Nihongoki” is set as “Daijo Tenno-ki”, but this is, in fact, same as Kin-Tennoki of Emperor Kanmu in “Shokunihonki”, and the current emperors’ obsession on the history of own time continuing from Emperor Kanmu to Emperor Saga guided the future compiling tendency of official history to single emperor s history of own time.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 日本後紀의 찬수와 嵯峨天皇

Ⅲ. 嵯峨天皇의 修史 의도

Ⅳ. 太上天皇紀와 今皇帝紀・‘實錄’

Ⅴ. 맺음말
