최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

平安京 神泉苑의 성격에 관한 고찰

A Study on the Characteristic of the Shinsen-en in the Heian-kyo: In conjunction with the release of the Shozui

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This paper is focused on the purpose and the characteristic of the Shinsen-en in the Heian-kyo. The Shinsen-en was different from the gardens of the Heijo-kyo and the Nagaoka-kyo. The gardens in the Heijo-kyo and the Nagaoka-kyo were intensively located on the Shinsen-en where was in the south of the Heian-kyu. According to the result of the use of Shinsen-en, the Shinsen-en was the place for sightseeing and enjoyment for the Emperor Kanmu but it was depending on the time of reign. It was verified by the gardens of the Heijo-kyo and the Nagaoka-kyo. Another characteristic was the Shozui which laid by Countries. It could not be seen in the gardens of the Heijo-kyo and the Nagaoka-kyo. It was rare that the Shozui was seen in the Emperor Montoku period. Because living birds and beasts could not be laid but they could be released under the rule of the Ritsuryo Codes. The reason why there was living the Shozui in the Shinsen-en was that the characteristic of the Shinsen-en was changed from the time of the Emperor Montoku period. The Shinsen-en was used as a stage for people who became a priest. It was held in the Goryo-e ceremony for consolating a person who had grudge against imperial family and it was used for the stage for the Ceremony performed to pray for rain. The shinsn-en was changed into the place with religious overtones. The change was directly influenced on the release of the Shozui in the Shinsen-en.

Ⅰ. 들어가며

Ⅱ. 神泉苑의 특징

Ⅲ. 神泉苑과 祥瑞

Ⅳ. 결론을 대신하며
