최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


Educating Emigrants to South America by Private Kaigai Shokumin Gakko - A review on the history of emigrant education of modern Japan

  • 4

This paper looks into the history of Kaigai Shokumin Gakko, a private school located in Tokyo which it was first founded by Sakiyama Hisae in 1918 to cultivate South American emigrants. In doing so, this paper intends to discuss how the school had secured its position throughout all these changes in emigrant education of modern Japan. In doing so, this study 1) confirmed that the school was established when this social expectation for emigrant education was rising; 2) investigated the purpose of the Kaigai Shokumin Gakko’ s establishment and the school’s educational policies; 3) observed how students had understood or accepted the philosophy of the school; and 4) revealed that the educational ideal of the school changed after Sakiyama moved into Amazon. As far as the study understands, the change was inevitable in that the emigration to Brazil became complicated and that the school was forced to face with mainstreaming of the emigration to Manchuria, a major change in the society in regards to the emigrant education.

Ⅰ. はじめに

Ⅱ. 海外植民?校の目指した?育

Ⅲ. 海外植民?校に?ぶ?生たち

Ⅳ. 崎山のアマゾン入植以後の海外植民?校

Ⅴ. むすびにかえて
