This article aims to examine how the Japanese nation’s citizens were formed in terms of sovereignty, territory and citizenship. The Japanese Culture Ministry’s authority & instructions in the textbook qualification process, and the response of the authors (to that and to the concept of ‘nation’) who were invited to write for the textbooks, are all examined in three stages, originating with the Fifty-five years system and leading up to today. There have been multiple viewpoints displayed, and clashes have been increasing as well. Some of those viewpoints criticized the existing notion of blaming the Tenno for its responsibility for the war, and flatly denied Japan’s responsibility for all the invasion and occupation. The charge of the latter is now led by the Abe administration, and the trend of the former culminated in the 1997 history textbooks.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 일본적 국민국가 인식의 재구축을 향한 검정과 교과서
Ⅲ. 국민국가의 역사에 대한 새로운 視線의 등장과 확대
Ⅳ. 아베식 `전후체제`의 극복 방향과 재변용의 임계점
Ⅴ. 맺음말