최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

고대 일본의 국가성립을 보는 시점

On the Establishment of Japanese Ancient State

  • 300

In this paper, the matter on the establishment of Japanese ancient state was examined by focusing on the so-called ‘international opportunity’ and the establishment process of transcendental kingship. Common belief about the country establishment of Japanese islands was of the view that the establishment of so-called Ritsuryo System, which was established in the late 7th century, was the establishment of a state. In recent years, Japanese archaeological circles presented the point of view that regarding Kofun period in the 4th-7th century as the early state stage in the name of so-called ‘Zenpogoenfun system.’ I, however, follow the older interpretation. In such perspective, the establishment process of state can be identified in conjunction with the development process of kingship. Meanwhile, as the key factor in forming a nation, the theory of ‘International opportunity’ needs to be introduced. In particular, the necessity of reconsidering the perception on direct & indirect impact (ripple effect) of the relationship with Koguryo to Wa in the first phase was emphasized. Also the establishment of so-called ‘Tenson’ consciousness’, which is also a symbol of Tenno’s transcendence, can be seen from the extension of this relationship with Koguryo.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 일본 고대국가 成立論의 현재

Ⅲ. 국가 형성과 `국제적 계기`의 변곡점 : 2개의 패전

Ⅳ. 4-7세기 초월적 왕권의 성립 과정

Ⅴ. 천황 초월성의 두 측면 - 天孫 의식과 無姓

Ⅵ. 맺음말
