This article will illuminate the historiography of history of medicine in Western countries and Korea. Based on this analysis, it suggests research subjects in the history of medicine in the Japanese empire. This article covers three categories: Urbanisation, Migrant labour and War regimes. It will clarify the dynamics of societies and the historical events which were related to issues of diseases and public health in the Japanese empire during the late nineteenth century and in the first half of the twentieth century. It helps to explain why many diseases were becoming more politically and economically significant in many parts of the world during this period. This paper aims to address contemporary health problems in many parts of the world through the critical lens of history. When completed, this will have important implication for current debates over the relationship between the three categories and diseases problems.
Ⅰ. 의학사의 흐름 : 서론을 대신하여
Ⅱ. 도시화와 질병 · 위생
Ⅲ. 노동자 이동과 질병 · 위생
Ⅳ. 전시체제하에서의 질병 · 위생
Ⅴ. 결론