최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

전후 일본의 각성하는 ‘모성’과 평화

Awakening ‘Maternity’ and Peace in Postwar Japan - Focusing on the Initiation and Early Activities of “Japanese Mothers’ Meeting” (1955~)

  • 48

The purpose of this study is to introduce the peace movements developed in Postwar Japan by focusing on the women’s movements. As the most representative case of peace movements by women is ‘Japanese Mothers’ Meeting’ or ‘Mothers’ Movement’ that placed ‘mother’ or ‘maternity’ at the forefront, while raising questions such as ‘why maternity or mother?’ or ‘what is difference in maternity between prewar and postwar? In exploring these questions, this paper identifies the characteristics of Japanese women’s movements in the postwar period as follows. First, the peace movements in postwar Japan were started right after the war defeat and they were developed to the international alliance of women for peace. Second, the conviction in the necessity of ‘Mother Movement’ became stronger by attending in World Mothers’ Meeting and by realizing the issues related with ‘children’ and ‘life’ as global ones. Especially, they located the idea of universal ‘maternity’ not only in the domestic context but also the global. Third, while feminine movements before war used to be led by elite women,, maternity movements in postwar were led by ‘very common’ ‘mothers.’ Fourth, it became clear that ‘peace’ in the sense of objecting war was not the first priority of ‘Maternity Movements.’ However, as the movement evolved, the idea of peace was incorporated into the goal of the movement. In other words, these movements focused on communication and practices to solve practical and realistic issues although they responded decisively to issues threatening ‘children’ and ‘life’ from the dimension of ‘Defense of Peace.’

Ⅰ. 머리말: 불편한 ‘모성’

Ⅱ. 전후 일본 여성들의 평화운동과 비키니사건

Ⅲ. <일본모친대회>의 개최와 세계적 발신

Ⅳ. 전쟁과 평화, 그리고 ‘모성’

Ⅴ. 맺음말: 평화, ‘아이’의 더 나은 ‘생활’을 위해
