최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

室町幕府의 對明朝貢 仲裁요청과 朝鮮의 대응

A Study on Muromachi Bakufu’s Requests for Korea’s Mediation in Japan’s Tribute Relations with Ming China

  • 42

This study examines Muromachi shogunate’s requests for Korea’s mediation in its tribute relations with Ming China. Previous studies paid little attention to this aspect of foreign relations in the Muromachi period. This study focuses on the background and method of the Japanese requests and the reaction of the Korean government to them. Ten cases of Japanese requests have been confirmed; two for the reopening of the suspended tribute relations, three for Japanese concern about the possible tightening of the tribute trade caused by the disturbances by the Japanese pirates and the Japanese missions and the Ningpo rebellion, three cases for informing Ming China of Ouchi family’s seizure of tallies to be carried in the tribute trade, and two for the expansion of trade. All of them were designed to solve the problems in Japan’s tribute relations with Ming China in the medium of Korea. Japanese attitude toward Korea can be seen from them. The first two requests were conveyed orally, and the rest through state letters. Tsushima sent letters on behalf of the bakufu twice. The Korean government ignored or rejected the Japanese requests seven times. It once passed the letter to Ming China as information on Japan. It also made an effort to mediate between China and Japan once. Korea’s passive response to the Japanese requests reflected Korea’s stance not to be involved in the relations between China and Japan. The Ryukyu kingdom, on the contrary, was involved more actively in Japan’s tribute relations with China.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 世宗代의 경우

Ⅲ. 世祖代의 경우

Ⅳ. 成宗代의 경우

Ⅴ. 中宗代의 경우

Ⅵ. 宣祖代의 경우

Ⅶ. 맺음말

