This study aims to investigate the background and nature of the dealing of the Tsushima clan in 1861-1872. In the Tokugawa period the diplomatic relations between Japan and Korea was carried out by the Tsushima clan. But the opening of Japan in 1854 required the Tokugawa bakufu to deal with diplomatic relations by itself. As from 1862 the movements of Joi(攘夷) intensified, the Tokugawa bakufu was obliged to proclaim that foreigners were to be excluded from the ports, and the bakufu efforts to deal Tsushima ended. Stimulated by the battle fought between Korea and France in 1866(丙寅洋擾) the bakufu tried again to have direct diplomatic relations with Korea, and it made plans to dispatch its mission to Korea. The new bakufu policy required the dealing of the Tsushima clan. With the downfall of the Tokugawa Bakufu and the establishment of the new Meiji government the bakufu plan to dispatch the diplomatic mission could not be materialized. Japan’s direct diplomatic relations with Korea was to be carried out by the Meiji government. As the Ministry of Foreign Affairs proclaimed that direct diplomatic relations with Korea should be handled by itself, the issue of dealing the Tsushima clan was brought up again. The Tsushima clan insisted that Japan’s diplomatic relations with Korea should be reformed since they occupied a significant position in the clan’s econmy. The Meiji gorvernment granted the Tsushima clan 35,850 koku(石) to help Tsushima maintain economic independence from Korea, and it decided to dispatch diplomatic officials. But the Tsushima clan, not being satisfied with this bakufu policy, wanted to maintain its right to have commerce with Korea. The Meiji government instructed diplomatic officials to find a way to compensate Tsushima clan’s loss, and the Tsushima clan was given 8,500 koku (石). As the domains were abolished and turned into prefectures (廢藩置縣) on July 14 of 1871, the dealing of the Tsushima clan was finally realized. It was followed by the dealing of Tsushima’s commerce and Wakan(倭館) on May 28th of 1872.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 對馬藩 處理 문제의 대두
Ⅲ. 攘夷運動의 성장과 對馬藩 처리 문제의 변화
Ⅳ. 幕府의 권위 회복과 對馬藩 처리 문제의 연기
Ⅴ. 慶喜 정권하 對馬藩 처리 문제의 추이
Ⅵ. 明治 정부의 성립과 對馬藩 처리 문제
Ⅶ. 맺음말