최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

日本 近世 商人資本의 硏究

A study of merchant capital in edo period Japan

  • 25

The previous studies of commercial history of the Edo Period have assumed unitary economic sphere of the domain established by the daimyo centered around the castle towers. They tended to emphasize the role played by the privileged merchants in these spheres. They, however, paid little attention to the local markets, where local merchants engaged actively in commercial activities independently of privileged merchants of the castle towns. Domain commercial history cannot be explained fully without mentioning the vital economic sphere developed in local areas. This study aims at suggesting the structures and patterns of the circulation of goods in the local areas by analyzing Six Nakama, the organization of privileged merchants of Castle to town Sendai of Sendai Han. The results from this study can be summarized as follow : First, from the early Edo Period Sendai Han tried to establish the domain market centering around eth castle town by regulating the circulation of imported goods. Second, which the previous studies argued that Six Nakama was formed in the early 17th century, the present study reveals that Six Nakama was established around 1760. It was designed to establish the unitary system of circulation of imported goods. Third, the merchants of local areas protested strongly against the policy of Sendai Han and commercial activities in these areas were under the control of these merchants, thereby creating three major economic spheres within the domain, the central region centered around castle town Sendai, the southern region and the northern region. Fourth, in the early 19th century, Sendai Han created an office which kept a close eye on the illegal circulation of goods in cooperation with Six Nakama. The domain aimed at increasing its tax revenue. And lastly, despite domain’s continuing efforts to establish the unitary market structure centered around castle town of Sendai, there developed local market both in the northern region and in the southern region independently of the central market. This Sendai case will provide an excellent example in understanding the structure of domain market in the Edo period.

Ⅰ. 연구사의 검토와 본고의 과제

Ⅱ. 六仲間의 성립과정

Ⅲ. 密荷氾濫과 六仲間體制의 강화

Ⅳ. 密荷의 流通과 藩內 地城經濟圈

Ⅴ. 맺음말

