This article attempts to shed light on Japanese wako activities. Previous studies on wako have focused only on the wako activities after the year of 1350 and neglected the 13th century wako. However, in order to have a full understanding on the history and meaning of wako activities, it is necessary to explain the 13th century wako and its relationship with the wako after the year of 1350. I showed that there existed similarities, as well as disparities, between the 13th century wako and the wako after the year of 133). I believed that they were essentially of the same origin. The reasons for the differences are found in the period of their absence. The reasons for their absence can be explained in several ways. The first was the Mongol invasions. The second was the building of Tokushu monopoly of power. However, the most critical one is found in the conditions in Tsushima, where the Shoni family and and the So family were under the strict anti-piracy policy of the Bakufu as part of defence policy against Mongol invasion. In sum, because Tsushima was the center in the history of wako, the dominant Shoni and So families in Tsushima had critical influences on the emergence, suppression, and resurgence of wako activities.
제1장 ‘13世紀의 倭寇’와 ‘庚寅年 以後의 倭寇’
제2장 공백기에 있어서의 내외정세
제3장 少貳氏 및 宗氏의 役割