최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

일본공산당의 형성과 그 성격

The Formation and Characteristics of Japan Communist Party

  • 133

This paper aims to investigate how the Japan Communist Party(JCP) was established and developed in the 1920s and 1930s by analyzing the role played by its main participants and by the Communist International (Comintem) whose recognition was essential in the establishment of the JCP. First, prior to the creation of the JCP the Comintern paid special attention to Japan. It began to assume that a revolution in Japan would trigger a wave of revolutions in the Far East. With the rise of the Far East in the international politics the Comintern assumed that a revolution in the Far East would help the Soviet Union in its fight against the Great Powers. Thus Japan attracted the attention of the Comintern as a nucleus of a revolution in the Far East. The Comintern also paid attention to the fact that Japan, staying in Russia longer than other Great Powers, had occupied the northern Sahalin. Soviet Russia had been trying to overcome the impoverishment caused by both wars and civil wars by rebuilding its economy. There were many diplomatic issues to be settled between Soviet Russia and Japan. Without having established diplomatic ties with Japan, Soviet Russia did not have any means to exert influence over the Japanese government other than a revolutionary movement in Japan. This political interest of Soviet Russia in Japan led eventually to the formation of the JCP.

I. 머리말

II. 좌익급진주의의 형성

III. 코민테른의 일본혁명 인식

IV. 일본공산당의 창립

V. 맺음말

