최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

近江政權의 氏族基盤과 그 성격

The clannish foundation of the omi government

  • 17

Antagonism between Crown Prince Naka no Ooe and Emperor Kotoku broke out after they seized power by eliminating Soga Iruka. The Crown Prince returned to the pro-Paekche policy by getting rid of the Abe clan and the scholars who had returned from Tang China and Silla. This policy change caused a crisis in Japan’s relations with T’ang China. Japan tried to cope with this crisis by military mobilization which aroused the discontent among aristocrats. The Crown Prince decided to move the capital from Asuka to Omi to stabilize his power. He had to rely on the help of the pro-Paekche clans such as the Soga and Otomo clans who maintained the anti-reform stance. The new capital was populated by the clan members of Paekche origin. They were allowed to own be no tami. After the fall of Koguryo the Omi government chose to recover its relations with Silla by giving up its close ties with Paekche. It was unwilling to help the Paekche forces to restore its rule. This ignited a power struggle among the ruling elites, and the pro-Paekche group lost its control over the government. Japan’s pro-Silla policy created a mounting crisis its relations with T’ang China. Military mobilization continued and intensified. This caused the widespread discontent among the ruling elites and people, and the Omi government became isolated by losing its power base. Under these circumstances the new coalition government of powerful clans of Kinai led by the Soga clan emerged. It recognized the ownership of be no tami by the powerful clans. This policy meant that the new government tried to reverse the political course set up by the Taika reform government. The grand coalition of anti-Omi government supported by the imperial family, the Otomo clan, the Abe clan, and the small clans of local areas emerged. The Omi government was no longer able to maintain its power and was toppled by the civil war of 672 led by Prince Oama.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 近江遷都의 배경

Ⅲ. 近江政權의 권력구조

Ⅳ. 近江政權의 쇠락

Ⅴ. 맺음말

