Most of the previous studies on Japan during the early 1890s defined its policies on East Asia as expansionism aimed at the expansion of Japan’s influence on Korea. Its policy on the “Bangkon-ryong Incident” was viewed as inclined toward forceful means and its decision to resolve the issue by using Korea’s dependence on China was a reluctant choice due to the pressures by the Western Powers. Recent studies, however, insist that Japan’s East Asian policy before the Sino-Japanese War was anti-expansionist in nature, emphasizing the cooperation with China. They claim that Japan’s position on the “Bangkon-ryong Incident” was to find peaceful solutions. On the basis of these studies, this article reexamines the overall nature of Japan’s East Asian policy in Chapter II and how such policy was reflected in Japan’s policy in the opening of the Taedong River and the “Bangkon-ryong Incident”
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 동아시아질서 재편 정책의 전개
Ⅲ. 「大同江 開港」 및 방곡령 사건과 협조 문제
Ⅳ. 맺음말