최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

大化改新政權의 대외정책

Foreign Policy of The Taika Reform Regime

  • 73

The goal of this article is to analyze the contents of the foreign policy of the Taika Reform regime and to clarify the meaning of the new policy changes. In order to do that, I attempted a new interpretation of shichi (「質」). The charateristics of the new foreign policy of the reform regime lay in the fact that it put emphasis on the relationship with Shilla(and Tang) while maintaining its traditionally close relationship with Baekje. Specifically, the regime introduced the practice of taking ‘shichi’ from Shilla. This change was closely related with the goal of establishing a new government structure of the regime. In particular, the regime’s decision to build closer relationship with Shilla reflected the fact that Shilla replaced Baekje as the main supplier of the elements of advanced civilizations, especially in terms of ‘human resources’. In addition, it meant that the role model for the new regime’s government building changed from Baekje to Shilla.

Ⅰ. 序言

Ⅱ. 문제의 소재

Ⅲ. 제설에 관한 검토 - 공통의 문제점

Ⅳ. 개신정권의 대외정책 - 정책전환의 이미

Ⅴ. 結語

