최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

전후일본의 역사인식과 「한일회담」

Postwar Japan’s Views on the Past and the Normalization talk between Korea and Japan

  • 89

Postwar Japan’s official position on the issue of historical responsibilities was shaped during the American occupation, mainly recognizing the responsibilities toward the Allied Powers. In contrast, the Japanese government was reluctant to recognize any responsibilities toward Asian countries. In particular, many in Japanese society refused to accept the blames for Japan’s colonial rule in Korea. In relation to this, the Normalization Talk between Korea and Japan between 1952-1965 had the potential for reshaping Japan’s position toward the issue of colonial rule. The progress of the talk was prolonged over the issue of the past and, in the process, produced debates on the past and future of the relationship between the two countries. In fact, some in Japanese society took issue with her colonial past and urged sincere repentance toward the Korean people. However, those were in minority. The majority in Japan focused on other issues, such as Japan’s diplomatic reliance on America and economic gains in establishing official ties with Korea. Consequently, the Normalization talk did very little in changing Japan’s views on the colonial past.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 전후일본의 역사인식과 그 성격

Ⅳ. 「한일회담」의 타결과 역사인식에의 영향

Ⅴ. 결론

