최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

續日本紀의 歷史敍述과 特徵

The Historical Narrative of ‘shoku-Nihongi’ and Its Characteristics

  • 39

“Shoku-Nihongi” is an offical history recording the events between 697 and 791. It was completed in 791 during the reign of Kanmu Tenno. It is especially noteworthy that it recorded the periods of the reigning ruler, Karunu Tenno. Kanmu’s father was the grandson of Tenchi Tenno and his mother’s family immigrated from the Korean peninsular. This obvious defect in his lineage forced him to find various justifications for his enthronement. The collection of ‘Shoku-Nihongi’ was part of such efforts. The political role of ‘Shoku-Nihongi’ can be found in the fact that it criticized the reign of Shotoku Tenno, who reigned before Kanmu’s father, Konin, that it emphasized the benevolent rule of Kanmu by recording the events in which he gave pardons and prizes, and that the volume of the article related to Konin. and Kanmu is bigger that those about other rulers.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 續日本紀의 편찬

Ⅲ. 續日本紀의 특징

Ⅳ. 桓武天皇紀의 특징

Ⅴ. 맺음말

