최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

近衛篤麿와 北海道協會

Prince Konoe atsumaro and Hokkaido associtation - Noblesse oblige and development in Meiji period

  • 18

This article is to research the fact that Prince Konoe actively engaged himself in the development of Hokkaido as the president of Hokkaido Association, from the viewpoint of his recognition of Noblesse Oblige. Konoe thought that the noble who have property and honor must put their significance of their existence on the service for the nation and people. It was Hokkaido Association that was established by the suggestion of businessmen of Hokkaido who asked Prince Konoe to settle the depression of Hokkaido development through the help of the political force. Konoe heartily felt that Hokkaido can be the source of national wealth and that Hokkaido development is absolutely needed for the defence of the Northern area. Thus he eagerly supported the activities of the Association. The main activities of the Association consist of two. One activity is to provide the various convenience for the shifting from the main land. The other is a kind of the pressure force activity against the Parliament or government for the full equipment of the foundation facilities, especially the acceleration of construction of the railroad or harbor facilities. Konoe’s concern projected on Hokkaido Association was also applied to the international issues gradually. Later Doadobunkai and Chosun Association in which Konoe was engaged shared the common purpose to help the development of China and Korea. And the development was motivated by the economic improvement of Japanese and the defence of Japan.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 화족의 「귀족의 의무」 인식과 近衛의 화족론

Ⅲ. 北海道協會의 설립까지 - 北海道와 화족

Ⅳ. 北海道協會와 北海道 개발

Ⅴ. 맺음말

