최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

日本古代國家와 百濟樂

Ancient Japanese State and Paekche Music

  • 54

This paper aims at understanding how Paekche music was introduced to Japan and clarifying the characteristics of Paekche music established at the gagakuryo and its changes by reexamining the articles related to Paekche music appeared in the Chinese and Korean historical documents. This study will contribute to the better understanding of the relationship between ancient Japanese kings and imported foreign culture and immigrants from the Korean peninsular. Paekche music had its origin in the agricultural and religious ceremonies and gradually began to have political meanings. When music of Chinese southern dynasties which focused on banquet music was introduced, the indigenous aspects of Paeche music mingled with foreign aspects of Chinese music. Later Buddhist and Taoist music were added to this amalgamation. By the early sixth century the Paekche government incorporated music into the national system. When the Yamato state in Japan faced a political crisis, it needed to import the new culture from the continent. Paekche music was introduced in this general flow of continental culture into the Japanese islands. It has not been known whether the Japanese kings used Paceche music effectively. It is reasonable to assume that Paekche music as a mixture of banquet music and Buddhist music had a special meaning in the Yamato court. With the establishment of gagakuryo in the early eighth century Paekche music occupied an important position among foreign music. Many immigrants from Paekche plyed a siginifican role in the development of Japanese music.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 한국ㆍ중국 사료에 보이는 백제악

Ⅲ. 백제악의 전래

Ⅳ. 雅樂寮와 백제악

Ⅴ. 맺음말

