최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

明治初期의 天皇制 이데올로기와 基督敎

Imperial Ideology and Christianity in the Early Meiji Period

  • 47

This paper aims at understanding how the Meiji government tried to strengthen the national unity to overcome both internal and external crises by analyzing the relationship between the imperial ideology and Christianity. First, it will look at how Christianity was viewed by the Japanese under the early modern seclusion system. Second, it will trace how Christianity influenced the formation of the theory of kokutai and joi with the advent of the western capitalist powers in the late eighteenth century. Lastly, it will try to make clear how the imperial ideology was established during the transition from late Tokugawa to Meiji. Meiji government’s efforts to achieve national unity is closely related with its attitudes and responses to Christianity. Since Christianity represented the disorderliness created by the heretic religion throughout the Tokugawa period, it is very important to trace how Japanese attitude toward Christianity changed in the process of strengthening the national unity centered around the imperial ideology.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 近世 日本의 基督敎 認識

Ⅲ. 幕末期의 攘夷意識과 基督敎

Ⅳ. 明治 初期의 神道國敎化 政策과 基督敎

Ⅴ. 文明開化期 基督敎 認識의 行方

Ⅵ. 결론

