최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

실천경영학의 연구방법론에 관한 연구

A Study on Study Methodologies on Practical Management

  • 67

For a beginner who is about to begin their study in practical management, it would be beneficial for them to have a guidebook on study methodologies for practical management, as the fruit for their efforts will be more rewarding. Therefore, it cannot be denied that the study method of practical management is to read a good guide book. And, the method of reading may sometimes involve the issue of how to select the book. For this, the researcher intends to unfold the study methodology for practical management while trying to conduct an actual study of practical management. This study is a descriptive study using self-reporting questionnaires for the analysis of empirical data. The data will be gathered from all parties of interests of companies across the country over one to two weeks six months before the paper evaluation, via in-person interviews and SNS using around 300 questionnaires. The data gathered in this manner will be coded and analyzed using IBM SPSS statistics V.25.0 for window and AMOS 25.0. First, based on the data gathered through the questionnaires, the general characteristics and approximate statistical values of each question are to be examined, through descriptive statistical analyses on the items of survey and frequency analyses. Second, an exploratory factor analysis will be conducted using various questions presented as independent variables, mediating variables, and dependent variables, so that they can be presented as proper numeric factors. Third, a confirmatory factor analysis will be conducted in order to re-validate the focused validity and determinatory validity confirmed through the exploratory factor analysis. Fourth, in order to verify the internal consistency of the variables, a confidence analysis will be conducted using Cronbach’s α. Fifth, in order to verify the hypotheses set forth for this study, a path analysis will be conducted in order to confirm the structural relationships between variables. While there are no set stages for the analysis structural equation modeling, generally, steps like model conceptualization, data gathering, data verification, model setting, model identification, model estimation, model fitness evaluation, model adjustment, and final model selection are taken to conduct the analysis. Amos (Analysis of Moment Structure) is a user-oriented, GUI-based program, with which the research may prepare the model for the structural equation with ease and can be used in connection with the statistics suite, SPSS. Therefore, the data file should be input to SPSS, and the input data should be in the forms of raw data or matrix summary (distribution-covariance matrix, correlation matrix). If the data input is raw data, the raw data will be converted to a matrix summary automatically, so that the structural equation can be analyzed. The author recommends that a researcher who is to use the practical management study methodology should use the AMOS program, which help the researchers to prepare and analyze the models easily when the model settings are complicated.

Ⅰ. 서론

1.1 연구의 배경

1.2 연구의 목적

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경

2.1 경영학의 발전

2.2 경영학의 당면과제

2.3 실천경영학

Ⅲ. 데이터 수집방법

3.1 데이터수집방법

IV. 분석절차

4.1 목차설정

4.2 분석 절차

Ⅴ. 분석결과의 기술

5.1 연구대상자의 일반적 특성

5.2 가설검정을 위한 통계분석\

5.3 경로분석 가설검증

Ⅵ. 결론

