최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

근대 일본의 아나키즘 수용과 식민지 조선으로의 접속

The Acceptance of Anarchism by Modern Japan and Its Connection into Colonial Korea : Centering on the Thoughts of Kropotkin

  • 191

This thesis is to study the acceptance of anarchism by modern Japan from the perspective of Peter Kropotkin and to research the process by which it was connecting into colonial Korea through the collation of text concretely. Japanese acceptance of anarchism was caused by the introduction of Russian nihilist party in the early 1880s. In the early 1880s when the people s rights movement peaked, the nihilist party was highlighted along with socialism just as the good example of opposite case. By focusing on the despotic political regime, the expansion of people s rights was asserted as a preliminary prevention. Meanwhile anarchism was accepted as the resolution of social problem which had emerged after Sino-Japanese War. In the period before or after Russo-Japanese War, the anarchism was introduced systematically, while Kropotkin was paid attention to gradually. With several socialists translating his works, some group of anarchists were formed in Japan. Kotoku Shusui, who had been converted to anarchist after the visit to America and Osugi Sakae, the anarchist representing the period of Taisho got credit for the spread of Kropotkin s thoughts. As the wave of reconstruction surging all over the world after the ending of World War I reached Japan and colonial Korea, the Kropotkin s thoughts widened the range of a class of readers with Morito incident as a momentum. Under this background the Kropotkin s thoughts was introduced in colonial Korea around the year, 1920 and accordingly anarchism was accepted. During the process, Osugi s works and the translations of Kropotkin s works by Osugi and Yamakawa played an important role.

1. 머리말

2. 메이지시대 아나키즘 수용과 크로포트킨

3. 고토쿠 슈스이ㆍ오스기 사카에와 크로포트킨

4. 사회‘개조’와 크로포트킨의 조선으로의 접속

5. 맺음말
