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KCI등재 학술저널

<경신년(1380) 왜구=기쿠치씨(菊池氏)> 설에 관한 한 고찰

The theory of <the truth of Waegu of 1380 year = Kikuchi(菊池) clan>

  • 56

The year of 1380, a large scale of waegu which was composed of 500 ships, invaded in Jinpogu area(=the mouth of Keum-gang river). I commented that the truth of this group was Kikuchi(菊池) clan of Seiseifu(征西 府). At that time, Kikuchi(菊池) whichi was the stronghold of Seiseifu, was surrounded by kyushyu-tandai(九州探題) Imagawa ryousyun(今川了俊) a commander of muromachi bakuhu(室町幕府). He wanted to take the ships of takagi(高&#26469;)ㆍ amakusa(天草) areas. The two areas were territory of Nancho(南朝). The samurais of takagi and amakusa invaded Korea peninsular to take refuge their own ships and to obtain the food. This is the contents of The theory of <the truth of Waegu of 1380 year = Kikuchi(菊池) clan>. In this manuscript, I considered the characters of Waegu of 1380 year and Kikuchi clan. As a result, I identified that the characters of the both sides are a unit as follows. ① strict discpline of troops ② aristocratic character of the commander in chief ③ powerful arm ④ outstanding warfighting capability ⑤ capability of rapid movement ⑥ strong offensive-oriented ⑦ bravery of soldiers ⑧ outstanding capability of survival.

1. 서 론

2. 선행 연구의 검토

3. 경신년 왜구의 특징

4. 기쿠치씨 무력의 특징

5. 결 론
