This study is about stepwise changes on coin history in medieval Japan related to coins of Sung China based on the historical situations of China. The systems of power had been changed according to the ban on sorting out coins and the coin policy of the Oda & Toyotomi government since the late 15th century. On the other hand, this thesis analyses coin history over the transition period which the coin system gets diffuse and concludes in three kinds of coins system with gold, silver and copper coins in Edo Bakuhu. As a result, the system of three kinds of coins in Edo Bakuhu was based on the monetary economy of coins of Sung China in medieval Japan. In addition, it was formed by the official exchange rate surrounding gold, silver, and copper coins which the Oda regime inserted an additional article above the ban on sorting out coins issued from regulations in 1569. Also it contains political social situations that gold and silver coins were used universally under the Toyotomi regime. Moreover there was the general state of expectancy in the society which the coins were issued. At the end of this article, it deals with four main points about coin history in medieval Japan based on a lot of precedent studies. 1. why couldn t coins be issued in medieval Japan? 2. The regional background in medieval Japan which imported mass coins of Sung China. 3. The theory that Asikaga Yeosimichz seized the throne depending on the import of coins of Myeong China. 4. Acceptance of Younglak coin in East Japan and the cause of exclusion of West Japan.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 중세화폐사와 송전 유통
Ⅲ. 전국시대의 찬전령
Ⅳ. 오다?도요토미정권기의 화폐정책과 근세 삼화제도
Ⅴ. 중세화폐사의 논점들