최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

17세기 후반 하급 무사의 일상생활과 시정(時政)인식

The Daylife of low-class Samurai and Recognition on Policy of the time in the late 17th century

  • 53

This article, based on the Diary of Asahi Bunzaemon, looks into the content of the story about Sumptuary Policy of Dokugawa Tsunarari(德川綱成), the 3rd lord of Owari (藩主) and Sh?ruiawareminorei(生類憐みの令) of Tsunayoshi, the fifth Tokugawa shogun. The official duties of Bunzaemon is keeping guard about three times a month and greeting to superiors. He usually enjoyed the artistic performances, such as Ningyojoruri(人形淨瑠璃) or Kabuki, and sometimes studied the scripture of Confucianism, Confucian Analects, and relieved the tedium through fishing, Buduk, banquets and poetry meeting with his colleagues. How did the low-class samurai perceive the civic administration in the late 17th century, the peaceful era? The study about the civic administration perceived by Bunzaemon started from this simple question. The attributes and the significances of low-class samurai s perception about civic administration looked into through the Diary of Asahi Bunzaemon, can be organized as follows. First, Bunzaemon realistically recorded the criticism and the antipathy of ordinary people about the civic administration. It is likely that his attitude of recording the event without any modification, not through personal clandestine feeling and judgement, or his own views is because of his status as samurai. In fact, if his personal evaluation and appreciation about the specific ruling by the lords and shogun became known outside, his life might be in danger. Thus, he recorded the criticism and the antipathy of ordinary people about the lords and the shoguns without any modification, to reveal his official view about the civic administration indirectly. Second, the criticism and the antipathy about Sumptuary Policy and Sh?ruiawareminorei appeared in his diary did not signify the criticism against the lord and the shogun, his direct superiors. His criticism about Sumptuary Policy that brought the economic depression into the ordinary people could be interpreted as the reflection of the economic situation of low class samurai who sensitively react with the exchange rate between money and the price of rice, and grapple with the stable household economy. His criticism against Sh?ruiawareminorei resulted from shogun s religious taste and preference was limited to the treatment of Bakufu, not considering the inconvenience in living, not challenging the authority and the public view about shogun. In this respect, the low class samurai s perception about the civic administration through Bunzaemon clearly differentiated from the social consciousness of Oshio Heihachiro(大?平八?), a samurai in the end of Bakufu era and Domakupa(倒幕派) warriors. Regarding how the low class samurai s perception about the civic administration accommodating itself to the system and, on the one hand, reacting sensitively with the irrationality in the society could have the consciousness of treason , more contemplation and studies are required in the future.

1. 머리말

2. 아사히 분자에몬의 가계와 경제생활

3. 번주 쓰나나리(綱成)의 검약정책과 무사 사회의 불만

4. 장군 쓰나요시(綱吉)의 생명존중령과 세간의 비난

5. 맺음말
