최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

779년 신라의 遣日本使 파견과 ‘彼國 上宰’에 관한 검토

The Study of Piguk Sanjae(彼國 上宰) and Gyunilbonsa(遣日本使) of Silla in A.D. 779.

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Sillasa(新羅使, envoy of Shilla) in A.D. 779, was last visiting and the only case which was allowed from Japanese Government to enter after visit to Japan by Kim Tae-ryum(金泰廉)in A.D. 752. It can be said to have a special meaning, when we consider that the bilateral relations were frozen at that time. Especially, in the 8th century, Jipjeondaesin (執政大臣, Prime minister) of East Asian countries performed an active role in foreign policy. In successful bilateral exchange in A.D. 779 was strongly reflected the will of the Jipjeondaesin (執政大臣, Prime minister) of Shilla and Japan. The aim of this article is finding presence of 執政大臣 who was responsible for foreign policy from the 『續日本紀』, 『三國史記』薛聰傳 and ?高仙寺誓幢和上碑?. In Shilla, Jipjeondaesin (執政大臣, Prime minister) was called Sangjae (上宰). Behind the successful exchange between Shilla and Japan in 799 E780, Sangsang(上相, Prime minister) Kim Ong(金邕) and Jipjeondaesin (執政大臣) HujiwaranoasonUona(藤原朝臣魚名) in Japan had played an important role. Kim Ong(金邕), who became Sangsang(上相), succeeded Sangjae(上宰) Kim Sun-Jeong(金順貞), who was his grandfather, adopted friendly policy and organized the mission in A.D. 799, with members who had friendly relations with Japan. Kim Am(金巖) and Seol Jung ?Eob(薛仲業) were representative persons. The friendly relations between the two countries was severed by rebellion of Kim Yang-Sang(金良相) and Kim Gyung-Sin(金敬信) and were re-established in the days of King Aejang(哀莊王). In memorial`s operation of Won Hyo(元曉) from the inscription of Koseonsa(高仙寺 誓幢和上碑文) , we can figure out that Won Hyo(元曉) Buddhism was accepted by both countries, the common spirit world of Won Hyo(元曉) Buddhism was regarded as a new alternative plan which can make good relations between Shilla and Japan.

1. 머리말

2. 779년 견일본사와 ?高仙寺誓幢和上塔碑?의 건립목적

3. 『三國史記』薛聰傳의 ‘日本國眞人’과 淡海眞人三船

4. 「高仙寺誓幢和上塔碑」의 ‘彼國上宰’와 內臣

5. 맺음말
