최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

일본인의 울릉도 도해와 조·일 외교교섭

Japanese s Ulleungdo voyage and Diplomatic Negotiation between Chosun and Japan

  • 32

Information about Ulleungdo is transmitted to japan since 11 century after people of Goryeo(Korea) drifted to Japan and in 14 century when Japanese raiders activity was vigorous Japan identify existence of Ulleungdo. It is likely that in formative stage of Baku-Han system Japanese had active voyage to Ulleungdo. Accordingly, Tsushima asked location of Ullengdo to Chosun in 1614 and attempted territorialize. Besides, Murakawaga and Oohyaga in Tottorihan named Ulleungdo as Takeshima in 1625 and called for voyage to Ulleungdo to Tottorihan and Bakufu. Bakufu allows one-off voyage to Ulleungdo. Tottorihan also gave help to two family s vovage for economic benefits. In 1692 Japanese met Chosun residents at Ulleundo and it started issue. In 1693 meeting between Japanese and Chosun occurred again Japanese ship took two of Chosun resident. For this reason, negotiation about sovereignty on Ulleungdo began. First of all Tottorihan requested a banning of Chosun s voyage to Ulleungdo and claimed to take actions on Chosun residents. On the other hand, May 13, 1639 bakufu confirmed Ulleungdo is not on sovereignty of Tottorihan. However, Bakufu ordered Tsushima to ban the Chosun residents voyage on Ulleungdo. The order of bakufu indicates intent to incorporating the Ulleungdo into Japan. Tsushima send message to Chosun requseting prohibits of voyage on Takeshima whish is Japan s territory. In response to this message, under knowing Takeshima is Ulleungdo Chosun pretended Ulleungdo and Takeshima are seperate island and stated that Ulleungdo is Chosun s territory. About it, Tsushima requested to delete the word of Ulleungdo to Chosun. Chosun deliverately mentioned the word of Ulleungdo having an intent to clarify sovereignty on Ulleungdo and to avoid dipute about sovereignty over Ulleungdo. Chosun insisted theory of two names on one island, Tushima insisted theory of boundary change. As situation was expanded to territorial problem, Tsushima reported problems on dipute to bakufu and asked bakufu s order. Bakufu knew that Takeshima is not belong to Tottorihan and probitied Japanese voyage to Ulleungdo on January 9, 1696. Also, in january 28, 1696 bakufu banned voyage formally. Bakufu set basis of Chosun s sovereignty over Ulleungdo according to the facts that there is no reason proving Tottorihan s sovereignty over Ulleungdo, distance to Ulleungdo is closer to Chosun, Chosun had a sovereignty over Ulleungdo originally and there are no Japanese who lives in Ulleungdo. Meanwhile, Tsushima requsted alteration on formal message. It was result from the bakufu s order including the statement which let Chosun know the fact of banning Chosun residents voyage to Ulleungdo. If Tsushima cannot perfrom the bakufu s order, Tsushima would losted their reason of existing, so Tsushima had to claim that Takeshima(=Ulleungdo) is on duty of japan trying every possible means and they cannot take any opinions that counter thire claim.


1. 일본인의 울릉도 인지

2. 울릉도 도해면허

3. 울릉도「영유권」분쟁 사건- 소위「다케시마 사건( 竹島一件 )」

