The king of Kongmin of Goryo dynasty dispatched diplomacy to Japan in the year of 1366 to request the prevent of Waegoo(Japanese piretes). In response to this, Muromachi Bakuhu ordered Syouni yorihisa(the shugo of tsushima island) and So tsuneshige(the shugodai of the island), to prevent the Waegoo. Therefore So tsuneshige dispatched the diplomacy to Goryo in July 1368, and concluded a peace treaty with Goryo government. But the next month, Yuan dynasty escaped from Peijing and the army of Ming enter the Peijing castle. 18th July of the year of 1368, Goryo government heard the news of flee of Yuan dynasty and the diplomacy of So tsuneshige who had come to Goryo also knew that news. January of the year of 1369. the troop of Waegoo invaded Shandong province and kidnaped dozens of men. That was the invasion to assure the flee of Yuan dyanasty. And November of the same year, Waegoo restarted its invasion two years after the cease of intrusion.
서 론
1. 금왜사절( 禁倭使節 )과 막부의 대응
2. 금왜사절과 쇼니씨(대마도)의 대응
3. 원( 元 )의 붕괴와 쇼니씨(대마도)의 대응
결 론