최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

중일전쟁기 일본의 전쟁화

Japanese War Paintings during the Sino-Japanese war

  • 268

The war paintings painted by Japanese painters during the Sino-Japanese War, should be reconsider because there are so many aspects which were excluded in the previous argument. They can be classified to several types. For example, scene of combat in the Chinese regional characteristics, and the soldiers with the appearance from behind can be read in positive view. These aspects can t be read according to the standards came from the paintings during the Pacific war. In the sight of occupied region of China, there are various gazes in the paintings. Sino-japanese friendship is reflected in the sight where young Chinese woman and Japanese soldier appear, and some cases need gender view. The children and the aged painted as object of protect by Japaense soldiers, are to be considered as to investigate the logic of sino-japanese friendship and the Great East Asia ideology.

I. 머리말

II. 기존의 논의에 대한 검토

III. 전쟁화 제작배경

IV. 중일전쟁기 일본 전쟁화의 몇 가지 유형

1. 그 시작과 일본군의 형상화

2. 점령지 중국과 중국인의 형상화

3. 역사화와 종교화

V. 맺음말
