최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

8세기 중후반 일본의 內政 과 對新羅關係 의 추이

The domestic policies of Japan and the flow of relationship with Shilla in the mid to late 8th century

  • 195

The aim of this study is examination of the relationship between Shilla( 新羅 ) and Japan after Shilla envoy came to Japan in 734 AD. The relationship between Shilla (新羅) and Japan had a close relationship with the flow of political situation. Because the relationship between Shilla and Japan was in political tensions at that time, there is a tendency to view from a business perspective. Especially, ancient[antique] documents as Baisiragimotuge 「買新羅物解 」·Thyouhuki 「貼布記」etc. relating to Shilla envoy in 752 AD. are remained, we can understand the aspects of exchange between both countries at that time. In this paper, I examined the aim of Shilla envoy in 752 AD. through the relationship between Shilla and Japan in the mid and the late 8th century. In the relationship between Shilla and Japan in the mid and the late 8th century, the view of Shilla has changed as each change of regime as Hujiwarasikyou( 藤原四 卿 ) · Tathibana Moroe( 橘諸兄 ) · Hujiwara Nakamaro( 藤原仲麻呂 ) · Dokyou( 道鏡 ). After Shilla envoy came to Japan in 734 AD, it cannot be said simply that the relationship between Shilla and Japan is not good continuously. From the study of Baisiragimotuge 買新羅物解 ․Thyouhuki 「 貼布記 」, it became clear that the aim of Shilla envoy in 752 is delivery of Yummul 「 念物 」to Japanese Royal court which is necessary to Saie( 齋會 ) of temples continued even after the Daibutukaigene ( 大佛開眼會 ). Yummul 念物 is delivered from Shilla Royal family( 內省 ) to Japanese Royal family( 中務省 ) upon request of Japan. And, Yummul 「 念物 」is redistributed by Japanese Royal family to close persons of Kōmyousi( 光明子 )ㆍKokentennō( 孝謙 天皇 ) who played the leading role in Tōdaiji( 東大寺 ) and Daibutuzourituhotugan( 大 佛造立發願 ). Because that is an offering or trade between countries which is involved in special official ceremony, it cannot be even imagined private trade as merchant who appeared in the 9th century.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 8세기 중후반 일본의 대신라관계 추이

Ⅲ. 新羅氈貼布記 의 해석

Ⅳ.「買新羅物解」의 분석과 ‘ 念物 ’의 성격

Ⅴ. 맺음말
