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KCI등재 학술저널

「日本書紀」 應神紀 東韓之地에 대한 고찰

A Study on the Land in East-Han(東韓之地)written in Oojin-ki(應神紀) of Ilbonseogi(日本書紀)

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The objective of this article is to investigate and re-establish relationships between Baekje (百濟), Koguryo (高句麗), and Japan (倭) in the ancient 4∼5th century by a study on the Land in East-Han (東韓之地) written in Oojin-ki (應神紀) of Ilbonseogi (日本書紀). First of all, as we analyzed documents that described a specific time 396∼407 A.D. on Inscription of King Kwanggaeto (廣開土王碑文), we could understand that Japan dispatched an army to Baekje (百濟) during the war between Baekje (百濟) and Koguryo (高句麗) in the Korean peninsula instead of Japan’s leading role under those circumstances of the battles. However, the Oojin-ki (應神紀) of Ilbonseogi (日本書紀), presumably written in the same time as documents on the Inscription of King Kwanggaeto (廣開土王碑文), documented Japan’s invasion of the Land in East-Han (東韓之地). Compared the Inscription of King Kwanggaeto (廣開土王碑文) and Samkuksagi (三國史記) with the Oojin-ki (應神紀) of Ilbonseogi (日本書紀), we could understand that the truth that Japan backed up military aid to Baekje (百濟), who was in conflict with Koguryo (高句麗) in the ancient 4∼5th century, was distorted by the argument that the southern Korean peninsula was ruled by Yamato government written in Ilbonseogi (日本書紀). In other words, it is presumed that the argument that Japan occupied the Land in East-Han (東韓之地), Chimmidare (枕彌多禮), Hyunnam (峴南), Jichim (支侵), Kokna (谷那) written in the Oojin-ki (應神紀) of Ilbonseogi (日本書紀) could be different from the historical truth, in which Koguryo (高句麗) occupied the Lands. Therefore, the Land in East-Han (東韓之地), which was previously recognized as a border between Baekje (百濟) and Koguryo (高句麗) during the war, is assumed the same area as baeksintokok (帛愼土谷) carved on the Inscription of King Kwanggaeto (廣開土王碑文) and is presumably Nai-gun (奈已郡) written in a geographic part of Samkuksagi (三國史記 地理志). As the above-mentioned study on the Inscription of King Kwanggaeto (廣開土王碑文), Ilbonseogi (日本書紀), and geographic part of Samkuksagi (三國史記), we concluded that the Land in East-Han (東韓之地) falls under the northern district of Kyungsangbuk-do (慶尙北道) including Yeongju (榮州), Uiseong (義城), and Mungyeong (聞慶).

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 東韓之地 관련 기사

Ⅲ. 廣開土王碑文에 나타난 전투의 실상

Ⅳ. 東韓之地 등의 지명 비정

Ⅴ. 맺음말
