최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국에서 본 야스쿠니 문제

Yasukuni Issues in Korea

  • 128

The purpose of this study is to overcome a logical poverty that the criticism of Yasukuni in Korea is often coupled with the Class-A war criminals. The criticism of Yasukuni in Korea started in the mid-1980s. However, the past 20 years, even today, the criticism of Yasukuni is focused on the point that the Class-A war criminals are enshrined in it. However, the Yasukuni issue, seeing from the point of only Class-A war criminals is too narrow discussion. In order to criticize Yasukuni issue more logically, we should recognize that the Yasukuni Shrine and Japan s invasion of Korea is closely related in history, and that shrine has been used to strengthen national integration of Japan. In addition, that issue is closely related to Japan s distorted perception of history and above all the Emperor s war responsibility issues also. In this study, based on this basic understanding, first, the historical relationship between Korea and the Yasukuni Shrine is discussed. Secondly, how the discussion about the shrine has been deployed in Korea, and what is the problem with these kinds of discussions are specifically looked at. Thirdly, it is also explored that the problem in criticism of Yasukuni in Korea has some discursive points of view. In conclusion, future research in Korea for the criticism of the Yasukuni issue will need to verify historical research, and to practice the international movement as universal peace demonstration in parallel. For this, above all, the Yasukuni issue will need to escape from the narrow recognition of usual Revival of militarism , or glorification of war of Japan.

1. 머리말

2. 한국과 야스쿠니신사의 역사적 관계와 문제발생의 경위

3. 한국에서의 야스쿠니신사 참배 비판과 문제점

4. ‘반일내셔널리즘’ 비판의 논리와 문제점

5. 맺음말
