최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

만주농업이민 정책을 둘러싼 관동군 · 조선총독부의 대립과 그 귀결

The Conflict between the Kwantung Army and the Korean Government General over the Agricultural Emigration Policy to Manchuria and its Consequence

  • 76

This article investigates the conflict between the Kwantung Army(KA) and the Korean Government General(KGG) over the Manchurian agricultural emigration policy in 1930s. After the Manchurian incident, KA and the Japanese department of settlement planned the emigration of the Japanese farmers in grand scale. On the other, the emigration plan of the Korean peasants to Manchuria was built by KGG. There were three points of conflict between the two. First, who are the main counterpart of the emigration plan, Japanese or Korean? Second, what is the status of the Korean peasants, tenant or owner? Third, how to manage the emigrant organization, united or independent? Before 1934, while KA reenforced to send the 1st and 2nd Japanese armed emigrants, KGG concentrated her energy to build strategic hamlets. And Ugaki Kazushige, the governor-general of Korea, negotiated actively with senior officials of the Japanese government and Manchukuo about the emigration plan of the Korean peasants. In this situation, the blowup of the Turoongsan incident made the policy of KA enabled, and deepening troubles by the Korean labors in Japan gave the better circumstance to KGG. Finally, the emigration policy of KGG was accomplished in somewhat changed form at 1936. That is, the Japanese and Korean emigration in owner-centered form was established as the fundamental principle of Manchurian agricultural emigration. It was the retreat of the policy of KA to suppress the Korean emigration to Manchuria. Ugaki s political position and his active personality made this process more easily.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 일본의 대륙정책과 만주농업이민

Ⅲ. 조선총독부의 만주농업이민 구상

Ⅳ. 관동군과 조선총독부의 정책 대립

Ⅴ. 총독부 이민정책의 변형적 관철

Ⅵ. 맺음말
