최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

複合辞-からして의 変遷에 관한 一考察

A Study on the Historical Change of the Japanese Compound Particle -karasite

  • 8

In this paper, we investigate the origin of a compound particle, which is one of modern Japanese grammar, and its transition process. We will focus on the compound particle –karasite and analyze it from the historical point of view. Four examples have been extracted from four case examples of composite words expressing the original meaning by combining the particles “kara” and “site”. The extracted particle -karasite is used in conversation and it can be said that it is an expression commonly used in speech today. In the previous study, an example in 1906 was supposed to be its first attestation of the particle but in this survey it became clear that it was used from around 1787. The word yorisite was used prior to karasite and it was confirmed that yorisite and karasite came to be used together after the Muromachi Period. Eventually, the usage of the word yorisite was lost and is no longer used in modern Japanese language today. In the future, we will advance the comprehensive research of compound words by analyzing the origin and development of such words.

1 들어가며

2 복합사 -からして의 변화 양상

3 마치며

