최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

성덕을 향해 함께 걷는 수도자와 평신도: 예수회와 여성 평신도의 협력

Religious and Lay, Walking Towards Holiness: Cooperation between the Society of Jesus and Lay Women

  • 229

In order to celebrate the Jubilee Year of Lay People of the Catholic Church in Korea in 2018, this article considers the lay faithful’s identity and mission from the point of the universal call to holiness and cooperation. In particular, this study examines the collaboration between the Society of Jesus and lay women in relation to the sentire cum ecclesia. The procedure of this study firstly begins with the charism and vocation of St. Ignatius of Loyola who collaborated with lay women, walking in the path of holiness. Second, this research paper reflects on Lumen Gentium, the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitutions on the Church and on the documents of St. Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis that discuss the universal call to the holiness and collaboration. Also, this paper studies the documents of the General Congregation of the Society of Jesus that read God’s signs of the times by following the attitude of creative fidelity. Third, this article seeks to the path of holiness and collaboration mindful of the present challenge of the Catholic Church in Korea. Finally, this paper will draw out of a vision of religious and lay people’s walking towards holiness. On the one hand, it proposes the inner attitude of humility, deep listening, and discernment in common. On the other hand, it suggests lay women’s commitment to participate in jesuit formation, intellectual collaboration, and leadership formation.


1. 연구 방법론

2. 로욜라의 성 이냐시오의 체험으로부터

2.1 성 이냐시오의 양성에 기여했던 여성들

2.2 성 이냐시오의 사도직에 협력했던 여성들

2.3 은총과 도전 그리고 교훈

3. 교회 문헌에서 살펴 본 성화와 협력 그리고 여성 평신도

3.1 제2차 바티칸 공의회

3.2 교종 요한 바오로 2세

3.3 교종 프란치스코

3.4 예수회의 총회 문헌

4. 오늘날의 한국 천주교회에서의 도전과 응답

4.1 내적 태도: 회의와 불신에서 신뢰와 협력으로

4.2 외적 투신

