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KCI등재 학술저널

『捷解新語』 단정표현 연구

A Study of Predicative Expressions in Shoukaisingou

  • 19

The formation and development process of Japanese predicative expressions in Shoukaisingou genkanbon are studied. The results are summarized as follows. ① The predicative expressions in Shoukaisingou genkanbon, NARI, DEARU, DZYA, DEGOZARU, are used in a leading way and NIARU, NIGOZARU, NISOUROU are used in a non-leading way. ② NARI, a predicative expression, is less used than before but is mainly effective as a conditional expression by connecting BA or DOMO with imperfective-form and definite-form ③ DEARU is only used for conjunctive-form. This distinctive property of DEARU is related to the nature of the Shoukaisingou genkanbon data other than the reduction or limitation of use that reflects the decline of DEARU. ④ The predicative expression DZYA is only attested in End-form and Attributive-form. This usage is a distinctive property of DZYA and is also detected in Heikeimonogatari amakusaban and Kyougensyuu. ⑤ The frequencies of the impolite predicative expressions NARI, DEARU, and DZYA suggest that each form tends to be used in a specific conjugation form, which further suggests the divisions of labor between the three forms. ⑥ DEGOZARU is mainly used for polite predicative expressions. It is a special feature of sentence-final uses for End-form, Attributive-form, and definite-form.

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